Now that you are aware of the requirements to be eligible you can surf the web for a list of scholarships for Africans or you simply narrow your search down to the ones that include Nigerians among the nations that are free to apply in Canada.



Follow all the steps outlined critically, you could use a guide if you need to and ensure to provide accurate information, one wrong detail about you or your qualifications soils the entire process, you’re applying for grants in one of the most sought after nations in the world of education, a more careful approach cannot be overemphasized.

Know this applying on time elevates your chances of being considered, if you are used to the flustered-up-nick-of-time approach to applications, then you might want to have a rethink and change that attitude. Applying very early within the confines of the time frame affords you plenty of time to complete the entire application process carefully and leaving no stone unturned. Flaws are bound to be immersed in your application if it’s done like you have a 60secs time bomb ticking up your butts.



Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Awards
Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Ontario Trillium Scholarship


University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships
University of Calgary Graduate Awards
Dalhousie University Scholarships
McGill University Scholarships and Student Aid
Fairleigh Dickinson Scholarships for International Students
Dalhousie University Scholarships


Queen’s University International Scholarship
University of Saskatchewan International Student Awards
Trudeau Foundation Scholarships
UBC Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships
Western University International Admission Scholarships
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Program
NSERC Postgraduate scholarships
Carleton University Awards for International Students

When applying, don’t be ignorant of the fact that a classy cover letter and a well-written application essay are essential ingredients needed to stand you out of the lot. Hire a professional CV and Cover letter writer if you don’t trust your skills in that English league.



You can start the search for Canadian scholarships now and if questions rear up, we’ll gladly field them. Keep in mind that studying at a top 50 best university is only for the best. University of Toronto scholarships is probably the hardest scholarships in Canada to get. However, if you do receive the scholarship, you will be rewarded by having the best professors and curriculum.


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